Below is a procedure to save time in the whole process of the examination of a paper, from acceptance to publication, and is to improve the quality of the journals.
Each item of the list should be satisfied in the paper, and the paper is to be returned with 'v' in the square (☐) of the list. The most essential rules to be observed in the paper are as below.
Author’s Checklist
Article Title:____________________________________________________________________________
Caption of Tables and Figures
Corresponding author: (Printed name and signature)
Type of Submission
□ Review □ Original article □ Technical paper □ Note □ Letter
- □ Copyright transfer form has been signed by the corresponding author on the behalf of all authors, with agreement of all authors on this publication.
- □ All submissions include disclosure of all relationships that could be viewed presenting a potential conflict of interest.
- □ Manuscript was prepared by following the journal submission template very carefully.
- □ Cover letter, title page, main body of texts, and figures (optional) are prepared on separate files.
Title page
- □ The title page should include a title, authors’ names, affiliations, and corresponding author’ name, contact information, ORCID, and author contributions.
- □ A running title should be given in 60 characters or shorter, including space.
- □ The abstract should be divided into Background, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion; it is within 300 words.
- □ Three to six keywords appear at the bottom of the abstract.
- □ The main body of an original article should be prepared under the designated subheadings: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion.
- □ All tables or figures must be cited at least once in the text.
- □ All figures should be prepared in high-resolution format.
- □ All measurements and data should be given in SI units, or if SI units do not exist, in an internationally accepted unit.
- □ References must be cited at least once in the text and must be numbered in order.
- □ All references must be written in English.
- □ All figures should be prepared in high-resolution format.
- □ All measurements and data should be given in SI units, or if SI units do not exist, in an internationally accepted unit.