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J Radiat Prot > Volume 27(4); 2002 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2002;27(4):257-265.
내륙지역에 위치한 원자력시설의 운영으로 액체상 방류물에 의한 주민선량평가 프로그램 개발
염정민1, 정운관1, 황원태2, 한문희2
Development of Off-Site Dose Calculation Program Due to Liquid Effluents from Nuclear Facilities Located in Inland Area
Jung Min Yeom1, Un Kwan Chung1, Won Tae Hwang2, Moon Hee Han2
1Chosun University
2Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Received: May 2, 2002;  Accepted: December 11, 2002.
A program for off-site dose calculation due to liquid effluents generated from the operation of nuclear facilities, which are located in inland area, was developed in consideration of Korean agricultural and environmental conditions. A serial of studies were conducted for successful accomplishment : 1) establishment of potential exposure pathways, 2) establishment of mathematical models for relevant pathways, and 3) selection of site-specific input parameters. Using the developed program, the test runs for nuclear fuel fabrication facilities were conducted. As a result, the ingestion of irrigated agricultural products was the highest contributor among considered exposure pathways. Child was a critical age group for effective dose, and bone was a critical organ.
Keywords: Off-Site Dose Calculation, Liquid Effluents, Inland Area, Exposure Pathways
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