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J Radiat Prot > Volume 18(2); 1993 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1993;18(2):47-0.
KSC-7 사용후핵연료 수송용기 핵임계해석
Analysis of the criticality of the shipping cask(KSC-7)
Yoon, Jung-Hyun;Choi, Jong-Rak;Kwak, Eun-Ho;Lee, Heung-Young;Chung, Sung-Whan;
The criticality of the shipping cask(KSC-7) for transportion of 7PWR spent fuel assemblies has been calculated and analysised on the basis of neutron transport theory. For criticality analysis, effects of the rod pitches, the fixed neutron absorbers(borated sus+boral) were considered. The effective multiplication factor has been calculated by KENO-Va, Mote Carlo method computer code, with the HANSEN-ROACH 16 group cross section set, which was made for personal computer system. The criticality for the KSC-7 cask was calculated in terms of the fresh fuel which was conservative for the aspects of nuclear critility. From the results of criticality analysis, the calculated Keff is proved to be lower than subcritical limit during normal transportation and under hypothetical accident condition. The maximum calculated criticalities of the KSC-7 were lower the safety criticality limit 1.0 recommended by US 10CFR71 both under normal and hypothetical accident condition. Also, to verify the KSC-7 criticality calculation results by using KENO-Va, it was carried out benchmark calculation with experimental data of B & W(Bobcock and Wilcox) company. From the 3s series of calculation of the KSC-7 cask and benchmark calculation, the cask was safely designed in nuclear criticality, respectively.
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Criticality Analyses of Spent Fuel Shipping Cask  1984 ;9(2)
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