Mechanism of Radioresistance Induced by Low-Dose Irradiation
Park, Sang-Hee;Cho, Chul-Koo;Yoo, Seong-Yul;Lee, Yeon-Hee;
After high-dose irradiation(8 Gy). the viability of lymphocyte with a prior low-dose irradiation was 3.7-fold higher than that without a prior low-dose irradiation The viability could be increased by the reduction of oxygen radicals or the removal of damaged molecules-DNA, protein. lipid membrane. or the removal of damaged cells. In this paper. we studied the radioresistance mechanism in lymphocytes and lymphoma cells by examining the activities of radical scavengers(catalase. peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase), and a radical protector(glutathione). Different enzymes were induced in lymphocyte and lymphoma with low-dose irradiation. The activity of peroxidase increased most(133.3%) in lymphoma while the enzymes increased most in lymphocyte were superoxide dismutase (138.5%), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (122.4%) and glutathione(120.8%). The activities of these enzymes were highest when the interval was 7 hours between low-dose and high-dose irradiation.