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J Radiat Prot > Volume 1(1); > Article
LiF 열형광선량계(熱螢光線量計)의 감마선(線)에 대한 공동검출기(空洞檢出器)로서의 감응(感應)
황원태, 정해선, 정효준
1한국 원자력 연구소
2한양대학교 공과대학 원자력공학과
3한국 원자력 연구소
Response of LiF Thermoluminescent Dosimeter to Gamma-Rays as a Cavity Detector
C.W Ha, C.C Yook, J.S Jun
1Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
2Department of Nuclear Engineering, Han Yang University
3Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Correspondence  C.W Ha ,Email: wthwang@kaeri.re.kr
Influence of the cavity size on the response of LiF TLD was theoretically investigated for a presumed system of spherical TLD cavity imbedded in a medium of polyethylene. Calculation of the response for different radii of the spherical cavity was carried out as a function of incident photon energy, applying recent cavity theory. The range of the radii covers 1.578 to 6.528 mm, while that of the incident photon energies extends from 0.02 to 3.0 MeV. As a results, the response of the LiF TLD imbedded in a medium as a cavity was found to be functions of its own size as wall as the incident photon energy.
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Some Characteristics of Teflon-Thermoluminescent Dosimeters  1982 ;7(1)
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