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J Radiat Prot > Volume 27(1); 2002 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2002;27(1):67-0.
토양내 오염물이동 수치모델 검증
Verification of the Contaminant Transport Numerical Model in Subsurface Soil
Suh, Kyung-Suk;Kim, Eun-Han;Han, Moon-Hee;Lee, Chang-Woo;
The groundwater flow and contaminant transport numerical models have been established for understanding the movement of pollutants in surface soil environment. The numerical solutions were compared with the analytic solutions for the verification and the application of the models. The numerical solutions from the groundwater and transport models agreed welt with analytic solutions. Especially, the results of groundwater flow model were validated in one- and two-dimensional heterogeneous media. Therefore, it will represent well the characteristics of the heterogeneous media in the field applications. Also, the phenomena of the pollutant dispersion represented quite well by the advection and the hydrodynamic dispersion in the results of the transport model. The important input factor is the choice of complicated boundary conditions in operating the numerical models. The numerical results are influenced by the choice of the proper boundary conditions.
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Analysis on the contaminant transport in subsurface soil at Daeduk site  2003 ;28(3)
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