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J Radiat Prot > Volume 27(2); 2002 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2002;27(2):111-0.
IAEA의 기준모델과 MASCOT 프로그램을 이용한 중저준위방사성폐기물 천층처분시설 안전성평가
Safety Assessment for LILW Near-Surface Disposal Facility Using the IAEA Reference Model and MASCOT Program
Kim, Hyun-Joo;Park, Joo-Wan;Kim, Chang-Lak;
A reference scenario of vault safety case prepared by the IAEA for the near-surface disposal facility of low-and informed]ate-level radioactive wastes is assessed with the MASCOT program. The appropriate conceptual models for the MASCOT implementation is developed. An assessment of groundwater pathway through a drinking well as a geosphere-biosphere interface is performed first. then biosphere pathway is analysed to estimate the radiological consequences of the disposed radionuclides based on compartment modeling approach. The validity of conceptual modeling for the reference scenario is investigated where possible comparing to the results generated by the other assessment. The result of this study shows that the typical conceptual model for groundwater pathway represented by the compartment model ran be satisfactorily used for safety assessment of the entire disposal system in a cons]stent way. It is also shown that safety assessment of a disposal facility considering complex and various pathways would be possible by the MASCOT program.
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