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J Radiat Prot > Volume 30(3); 2005 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2005;30(3):113-0.
물리적 팬텀을 이용한 CT 촬영 환자의 피폭 선량 측정 및 평가
Measurement of Patient Dose from Computed Tomography Using Physical Anthropomorphic Phantom
Jang, Ki-Won;Lee, Choon-Sik;Kwon, Jung-Wan;Lee, Jai-Ki;
The computed tomogrpahy(CT) provides a high quality in images of human body but contributes to the relatively high patient dose. The frequency of CT examination is increasing and, therefore, the concerns about the patient dose are also increasing. In this study the experimental determination of patient dose was performed by using a physical anthropomorphic phantom and thermoluminescent dosimeter(TLD). The measurements were done for the both axial and spiral scan mode. As a result the effective doses for each scan mode were 17.78mSv and 10.01 mSv respectively and the fact that the degree of the reduction in the patient dose depends on the pitch scan parameter was confirmed. The measurement methods suggested in this study can be applied for the reassessment of the patient dose when the technique in CT equipment is developed or the protocol for CT scanning is changed.
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