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J Radiat Prot > Volume 30(3); 2005 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2005;30(3):149-0.
해양 및 육상 환경 방호를 위한 IAEA 프로그램의 참여 증진 및 효율적 수행 방안
Strategic Approach for the Promotion of an Active Participation in the IAEA Program in the Field of Protection of the Marine and Terrestial Environment
Kim, Kyoung-Pyo;Han, Moon-Hee;
The purpose of this paper is to present the general attributes of the current IAEA programs and their prospects in the arena of protection of the marine and terrestrial environment, thus responding to a need to attain a consolidated understanding of the Agency's programs for an effective and efficient deployment of the respective national R&D projects in Korea. In addition, the considerable and beneficial benefits from a participation in the IAEA programs have been analyzed and their immediate relevance has been emphasized. A strategy for the enhancement of an active participation in the program and its efficient implementation has also been established. It is expected that the suggested recommendations such as the long term strategy and the relevant guidelines will be helpful in establishing a nuclear policy for the further development of the international cooperative projects in the future.
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