The gamma-ray dose rates in air at 233 locations in Korea have been determined. The contribution to the gamma-ray dose rates in air due to the presence of $^{232}Th-series,;^{238}U-series;and;^{40}K$ is as follows: 47.3% $(36;nGyh^{-1});^{232}Th-series$ 14.5% $(11;nGyh^{-1});^{238}U-series$ and 38.2% $(29;nGyh^{-1});^{40}K$. The mean gamma-ray dose rate theoretically derived from $^{232}Th-series,;^{238}U-series;and;^{40}K;was;76{pm}17;nGyh^{-1}$. This corresponds to an annual effective dose of $410;{mu}Sv$ and an annual collective dose of 18900 person-Sv for all provinces under study. The results have been compared with other global radiation dose.