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J Radiat Prot > Volume 31(2); 2006 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2006;31(2):65-0.
BSH 존재시 중성자 및 ${gamma}$-ray 조사에 따른 plasmid DNA의 손상
Plasmid DNA damage by neutron and ${gamma}$-ray in the presence of BSH
Chun, Ki-Jung;Seo, Won-Sook;
In this study, the extent of plasmid DNA damage was observed according to concentration of BSH(Boron Sulfhydryl Hydride) and irradiation doses of neutron and ${gamma}$-ray. The plasmid used was both pBR 322 (2870 bp) and ${Phi}X174$ RF(5386 bp) DNA. Plasmid DNA damage by irradiation in the presence of BSH was analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis. In the neutron experiment, DNA damage of both plasmid DNAs was increased according to increasing the concentration of BSH and neutron doses. But in the ${gamma}$-ray experiment, there appeared no dose dependency as compared to the neutron experiment. The extent of the plasmid DNA damage in the presence of BSH was somewhat different according to irradiation by neutron or ${gamma}$-ray.
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