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J Radiat Prot > Volume 33(1); 2008 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2008;33(1):1-0.
방사선 방호용 계측기 성능평가 기술 개발 및 국제 표준
Development of a Techniques of the Performance Test for a Radiation Protection Devices and it's International Standards
Choi, Kil-Oung;Won, Sung-Ho;Kim, Jung-Ho;Hah, Suck-Ho;Yi, Chul-Young;Kim, Hyun-Moon;Lee, Min-Kee;
International Standardization in all technical area is gaining its momentum as its impact and implication over global trade is directly linked. The worldwide competition to secure a dominant position in the standardization process is ever growing over the years. In 2005, the International Technical Committee on Nuclear Instrumentation, which is a subunit of International Electro-technical Commission (IEC), was held in Korea under the auspices of MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology). Korea has adopted its Rule and Regulation as the National Standard. As a part of a link to National Mid-and Long-term Atomic Energy R&D Program of MOST, the technical development of a performance test for the radiation monitors was carried out under mechanical environment and electromagnetic immunity conditions. The characteristics of the radiation fields were also evaluated under the conditions and introduced to a techniques of performance test for the radiation protection instrumentation adopted IEC61526 standards and it's results was analyzed. We would like to share the experience gained in these efforts, failure as well as success, and to discuss the problems encountered and serious consideration to be taken into account in the future endeavor.
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