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J Radiat Prot > Volume 36(3); 2011 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2011;36(3):134-0.
펠티에 소자를 이용한 안개상자 개발
Development of Cloud Chamber by Using Peltier Device
Woo, Jong-Kwan;Kwon, Jin-Young;Park, Sang-Tae;
In this research, we developed the newly cloud chamber apparatus by using Peltier device to apply nuclear physics experiment in high school or university. We observed the cosmic rays track by using the developed apparatus and a camcorder. And we compared and analyzed the acquired data. From the results, we acquired the following conclusions and suggestions : First, it is very difficult to observe the cosmic rays track in the typical cloud chamber because of the low frequency of it. But in the newly developed cloud chamber we can observe easily the cosmic rays track owing to the high frequency of it. Second, when we do the experiment with the newly developed apparatus, we found that the cosmic rays track happens well under the condition that the temperature of the upper place of cooling plate must be below 5$^{circ}C$ with more than isopropanol $1.04{times}10^{-5}$ $ml{cdot}mm^{-3}$. Third, the newly developed apparatus will be improved to have better precision by controling the temperature of cooling plate in the cloud chamber by current intensity. Therefore we think that it is very useful to use the newly developed apparatus in the nuclear physics experiment in highschool or university.
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