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J. Radiat. Prot. Res > Volume 40(4); 2015 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection and Research 2015;40(4):244-251.
doi: https://doi.org/10.14407/jrp.2015.40.4.244
중대사고시 격납건물여과배기계통(CFVS)적용으로 인한 사고영향과 결과 고찰
전주영, 권태은, 이재기
A Study on the Effect of Containment Filtered Venting System to Off-site under Severe Accident
Ju Young Jeon, Tae-Eun Kwon, Jai-Ki Lee
Hanyang University, Haengdang 1-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Correspondence  Jai-Ki Lee ,Email: jakilee@hanyang.ac.kr
Received: July 10, 2015; Revised: December 7, 2015   Accepted: December 11, 2015.
The containment filtered venting system reduces the range of the contamination area around the nuclear power plant by strengthening the integrity of the containment building. In this study, the probabilistic assessment code MACCS2 was used to assess the effect of the CFVS to off-site. The accident source term was selected from a Probabilistic Safety Analysis report of SHINKORI 1&2 Nuclear Power Plant. The three source term categories from 19 STC were chosen to evaluate the effective dose and thyroid dose of residents around the power plant and the dose with CFVS and without CFVS were compared. The dose was calculated according to the distance from the nuclear power plant, so the damage scale based on the distance that exceeds the IAEA criteria for effective dose (100 mSv per 7 days) and thyroid dose (50 mSv per 7 days) were compared. The effective dose reduction rates of the STC-3, STC-4, STC-6 were about 95-99% in the whole range (0~35 km), 96-98% for the thyroid dose. There are similar results between effective dose and thyroid dose. After applying the CFVS, the damage scale that exceeds the effective dose criteria was about 1 km (mean). Especially, the STC-4 damage scale was decreased from 26 km (mean) to 1.2 km (mean) significantly. The damage scale that exceed the thyroid dose criteria was decreased to 2∼3 km (mean). The STC-4 damage scale was also decreased significantly as compared to STC-3, STC-6 in terms of effective dose.
Keywords: Containment filtered venting system, Severe Accident, MACCS2, Atmospheric dispersion, Dose evaluation
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