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J Radiat Prot > Volume 18(2); 1993 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1993;18(2):61-0.
우라늄 투여후 간조직에서의 효소활성도의 변화
Enzyme activity changes by intraperitoneal injection of uranium in the carp liver
Kim, In-Gyu;Kim, Kug-Chan;Kim, Jin-Kyu;Kim, Sang-Bok;Chun, Ki-Chung;Park, Hyo-Kook;Lee, Kang-Suk;
We examined various enzyme activity changes by intraperitoneal injection uranium in the carp liver. These enzyme activity changes can be used as biochemical indicators of internal exposure to uranium. The results were followings ; 1) Total protein concentration decreased by intraperitoneal injection in the carp liver. 2) Lysosomal acid pretense and ${beta}-glucuronidase$ activities increased in the liver until sixth intraperitoneal injection of uranium, but Lysosomal acid phosphatase activities decreased in the liver until the sixth injection of uranium. 3) Alkaline phosphatase activities sharply increased and Glutamate oxaloacetate Transaminase activities steadily decreased in the liver until the sixth injection of uranium. 4) Creatine %kinase activities steadily decreased and malate dehydrogenase activities sharply decreased in the liver after the primary injection of uranium. Any malate dehydrogenase activities was not detected after sixth injection of uranium.
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