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J Radiat Prot > Volume 26(2); 2001 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2001;26(2):113-0.
NaI 스펙트럼으로부터 인공방사선 조사선량의 계산
Calculation of Man-made Radiation Exposure Rate from NaI Spectrum
Lee, M.S.;
The energy band method for NaI spectrum calculates only the exposure rate due to natural radiation because it calculates exposure rate using energy spectrum of $1300{sim}3000keV$. However, the total energy method includes in its calculation the exposure rate due to man-made radiation because it uses the energy spectrum of $150{sim}3400keV$. Therefore, the resulting difference of extracting the exposure rate calculated by the energy band method from the exposure rate calculated by the total energy method is apparently the exposure rate due to man-made radiation. In this study, we measured the NaI spectrum during the period of significant changes of the exposure rate in the area without a man-made radiation. As the results, we found the exposure rates calculated by those two methods are equal within the statistical variation of ${pm}0.3{mu}R;h^{-1}$. Consequently, if the difference between the exposure rates calculated by the two methods exists, it may be due to the man-made radiation exposure rate.
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