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J Radiat Prot > Volume 27(3); 2002 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2002;27(3):127-0.
원자력 사고후 쌀알과 배추내 $^{90}Sr$$^{137}Cs$ 농도 예측
Predictions of $^{90}Sr$ and $^{137}Cs$ Concentrations in Rice Seeds and Chinese Cabbage after a Nuclear Accident
Choi, Yong-Ho;Lim, Kwang-Muk;Hwang, Won-Tae;Lee, Han-Soo;Lee, Chang-Woo;
A method of more realistically, predicting radionuclide concentrations in crop plants varying with time after a nuclear accident was established to estimate 50 years' concentrations of $^{90}Sr$ and $^{137}Cs$ in polished rice seeds and Chinese cabbage for unit dry deposition. After non-growing season accidents, concentrations of both nuclides decreased gradually with time and $^{90}Sr$ concentrations were higher than those of $^{137}Cs$ throughout the whole period. Radionuclide concentrations in the 1 st year after growing season accidents were on the whole higher than those after non-growing season accidents by factors of up to 30 for $^{90}Sr$ and up to 1,000 for $^{137}Cs$. In polished rice seeds, the 50 years-integrated concentration was higher for $^{90}Sr$ than for $^{137}Cs$ after non-growing season accidents, whereas the opposite was true after growing season accidents. In Chinese cabbage. however, it was higher for $^{90}Sr$ than for $^{137}Cs$ after both types of the accident. Generally speaking, the dominant pathway for the integrated concentration after the growing season accident was root uptake for $^{90}Sr$ and direct plant contamination for $^{137}Cs$. The effect of resuspension was negligible. Based on the predicted results. the direct]on of planning countermeasures was suggested for various accident conditions.
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