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52 |
OSL Age Determination of the Hearths in a Bronze Age Dwelling Site by using Bayesian Statistics
Kim, Myung-Jin;Yang, Hye-Jin;Hong, Duk-Geun;
J Radiat Prot. 2011;36(2):52
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MCNPX Simulation of Scattered Neutron Distribution in Experimental Room for the Neutron Reference Field of Monoenergetic Neutron below 2.5 MeV
Park, Jung-Hun;Kim, Gi-Dong;
J Radiat Prot. 2011;36(2):59
64 |
Intercomparison Exercise on Internal Dose Assessment in Korea
Lee, Jong-Il;Kim, Jang-Lyul;Kim, Bong-Hwan;
J Radiat Prot. 2011;36(2):64
71 |
Evaluation and Consideration on Environmental Radiation Analysis of Yeong-Gwang Nuclear Power Plant Site Inside&Outside(2000~2009 year)
Han, Sang-Jun;Lee, Seung-Jin;Lee, Goung-Jin;Lee, Na-Young;Kim, Hee-Gang;Mun, Ji-Yeon;
J Radiat Prot. 2011;36(2):71
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Clinical Apply of Dual Energy CT (kVp switching) : A Novel Approach for MAR(Metal Artifact Reduction) Method
Kim, Myeong-Seong;Jeong, Jong-Seong;Kim, Myeong-Goo;
J Radiat Prot. 2011;36(2):79
86 |
Measurement of Skin Dose for Rectal Cancer Patients in Radiotherapy using Optically Stimulated Luminescence Detectors (OSLDs)
Im, In-Chul;Yu, Yun-Sik;Lee, Jae-Seung;
J Radiat Prot. 2011;36(2):86
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Protective Effect of HemoHIM on Epidermal Melanocytes in Ultraviolet-B irradiated Mice
Lee, Hae-June;Kim, Jong-Choon;Moon, Chang-Jong;Jung, U-Hee;Park, Hae-Ran;Jo, Sung-Kee;Jang, Jong-Sik;Kim, Tae-Hwan;Kim, Sung-Ho;
J Radiat Prot. 2011;36(2):93
99 |
Trends and Issues in Metabolism and Dosimetry for Tritium Intake
Kim, Hee-Geun;Kong, Tae-Young;Jeong, Woo-Tae;
J Radiat Prot. 2011;36(2):99