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J Radiat Prot > Volume 31(1); 2006 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2006;31(1):37-0.
사용후핵연료 처분용기 설계를 위한 주요인자 분석
Analysis of Key Parameters for Designing the Spent Nuclear Fuel Disposal Container in Korea
Choi, Jong-Won;Cho, Dong-Keun;Choi, Hui-Ju;
For the first step to develop a reference disposal container of spent fuel to be used in a deep geological repository, this paper examined safe dimensions of the disposal container on the points of nuclear criticality and radiation safety and mechanical structural safety and provided basic information for dimensioning the container and configuration of the container components, and establishing the favorable and safe disposal conditions. When the safety factor for stress due to the external loads (hydrostatic and swelling pressure) is taken as 2.0, the safe diameter of the filler material to provide enough container strength under the assumed external loads is found to be 112cm with 13cm spacing between inner baskets in PWR container. Also the thickness of the thinner section between the fuel basket and the surface of the cast insert is determined to be 150 mm. Regarding these dimensions of the container, the PWR fuel container is sketched to accommodate 4 square assemblies or 297 CANDU fuel 297 bundles (33 circle tubes x 9 stacks). However the top and bottom parts need to be checked again through the detail radiation shielding analysis with respects to the emplacement position and handling processes of the disposal container.
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An Analysis of Radiation Field Characteristics for Estimating the Extremity Dose in Nuclear Power Plants  2009 ;34(4)
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