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Cancer Risk Assessment Due to Natural and Fallout Activity in Some Cities of Pakistan
Ahad A.;Matiullah Matiullah;Bhatti Ijaz A.;Orfi S.D.;
J Radiat Prot. 2006;31(1):1
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Validation of the Long-Range Atmospheric Dispersion Model
Suh, Kyung-Suk;Kim, Eun-Han;Whang, Won-Tae;Jeong, Hyo-Joon;Han, Moon-Hee;
J Radiat Prot. 2006;31(1):9
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Influence of the Statistical Distribution of Bioassay Measurement Errors on the Intake Estimation
Lee, T.Y.;Kim, J.K.;
J Radiat Prot. 2006;31(1):17
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The Study of Radon and Uranium Distribution in the Groundwater at Regional Difference of Daejeon
Yoon, Yoon-Yeol;Cho, Soo-Young;Lee, Kil-Yong;Kim, Yong-Je;
J Radiat Prot. 2006;31(1):25
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Study on Changes of Sperm Count and Testis Tissue in Black Mouse after Neutron Irradiation
Chun, Ki-Jung;Seo, Won-Sook;Son, Hwa-Young;
J Radiat Prot. 2006;31(1):31
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Analysis of Key Parameters for Designing the Spent Nuclear Fuel Disposal Container in Korea
Choi, Jong-Won;Cho, Dong-Keun;Choi, Hui-Ju;
J Radiat Prot. 2006;31(1):37
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A Practical and Simple Method of Self-absorption Correction for Environmental Samples
Lee, Wan-No;Lee, Haeng-Pil;Chung, Kun-Ho;Cho, Young-Hyun;Choi, Geun-Sik;Lee, Chang-Woo;Chung, Hyung-Wook;Lee, Eun-Ju;Sho, You-Sup;Lee, Jong-Ok;
J Radiat Prot. 2006;31(1):47