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J Radiat Prot > Volume 33(4); 2008 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2008;33(4):167-0.
표준한국인 체적소 모델 HDRK-Man의 외형 보정 및 선량 산출에 미치는 영향 평가
Deformation of the Reference Korean Voxel Model and Its Effect on Dose Calculation
Jeong, Jong-Hwi;Cho, Sung-Koo;Cho, Kun-Woo;Kim, Chan-Hyeong;
Recently a high-quality voxel model of a Korean adult male was constructed at Hanyang University by using very high resolution serially-sectioned anatomical images of a cadaver, which was provided by the Korean Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI). Most existing voxel phantoms are developed based on an individual in the supine posture. This study converted the HDRK-Man voxel model into surface model and adjusted the flattened back of the HDRK-Man to a normal shape in the upright posture using 3D graphic softwares such as $3D-DOCTOR^{TM}$, $Rapidform^{(R)}$2006, $Rhinoceros^{(R)}$4.0, $MAYA^{(R)}$8.5. The effective doses of adjusted model were compared with those of unadjusted model for some standard irradiation geometries (i.e., AP, PA, LLAT, RLAT). In general, the differences were not very large and, among those, the largest difference was found for the PA radiation geometry, as expected. These methodologies can be used for the development of various deformed posture models of HDRK-Man in the later stage of this project.
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