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J Radiat Prot > Volume 10(2); 1985 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1985;10(2):148-0.
핵연료 수송용기의 방사선 차폐해석
Radiation Shield Analysis for Spent Fuel Shipping Cask
Cho, Kun-Woo;Kim, Hee-Won;Kwon, Seog-Kun;Kwak, Eun-Ho;Moon, Philip-S.;
Radiation shield design for a shipping cask, KSC-1, was evaluated to verify that the cask can be used in the transportation of a spent fuel assembly discharged from KNU 5 & 6. Radiation source term of the spent fuel assembly was calculated with the computer program ORIGEN-79, QAD-CG, ANISN-KA and DOT 3.5 codes Were used in the shielding calculations and the nuclear cross section data needed was extracted from the DLC-23/CASK library. It is concluded that KSC-1 shipping cask satisfies the requirements specified in the relevant regulations under normal conditions of transport and under accident conditions in transport.
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