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J Radiat Prot > Volume 26(1); 2001 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2001;26(1):27-0.
방사선 조사 마우스에서 소장움세포의 Apoptosis 발생에 미치는 생약의 효과
The effects of herbs on the radiation-induced apoptosis in intestinal crypt cells
Kim, Sung-Ho;An, Mi-Ra;Nah, Seung-Yeol;Lee, Jong-Hwan;Kim, Jae-Ha;Jo, Sung-Kee;Jang, Jong-Sik;Shin, Dong-Ho;
This study was performed to determine the effect of several herbs on radiation-induced apoptosis in jejunal crypt cells. Longyanrou(Euphoris longana), Suanzaoren(Zizyphus vulgaris), Yuanzhi(Polygala tenuifolia), Rensan(Panax ginseng), Fuling(Poria cocos), Muxiang (Saussurea lappa), Chuanxiong(Cnidium officinale), Baishaoyao(Paeonia lactifolia), Shengma (Cimicifuga heracleifolia), Chaihu (Bupleurum falcatum) and Dongchongxiacao ( Paecilomyces japonica) reduced the frequency of radiation-induced apoptosis(p<0.05). Although the mechanisms of this effect remain to be elucidated, these results indicated that Longyanrou, Suanzaoren, Yuanzhi, Rensan, Fuling, Muxiang, Chuanxiong, Baishaoyao, Shengma, Chaihu and Dongchongxiacao might be useful inhibitors of apoptosis, especially since these are relative nontoxic natural products.
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