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J Radiat Prot > Volume 26(4); 2001 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2001;26(4):367-0.
방사선 조사에 따른 흰쥐 식도변화의 Sucralfate 효과
Effect of Sucralfate on Radiation-induced Esophageal Changes in Rat
Kang, Ki-Mun;Chai, Gyu-Young;Yoon, Sei-Chul;
The study was designed to evaluate the response of sucralfate against the esophageal damage of rat by irradiation. Sixty Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 200-250 gm were divided into six groups including only sucralfate group, the group of 10 Gy or 20 Gy radiation alone, the groups of 10 Gy or 20 Gy radiation-sucralfate combination, and control. Each group was sacrificed at 3, 7, 14, and 28 days after irradiation. For evaluation of the radiation-induced esophageal lesions, there were examined the change of body weight, barium-esophagogram and histopathologic findings. Mean body weight gain was decreased in the groups with 10 Gy or 20 Gy radiation alone and 10 Gy or 20 Gy radiation-sucralfate combination as comparing with control (p=0.03, p=0.02, p=0.04, p=0.02), but there was no difference between the groups of 10 Gy or 20 Gy radiation alone and the groups of 10 Gy or 20 Gy radiation-sucralfate combination. In the 10 Gy and 20 Gy radiation alone groups, barium esophagograms showed diffuse narrowing and stiffness through the entire esophagus from 7 days after irradiation, but there was similar pattern of esophagograms between the groups of 10 Gy radiation-sucralfate combination and the control. Histopathoiogic lesion scores of 10 Gy and 20 Gy radiation groups were significantly higher than the control (p=0.03, p=0.008). In the 10 Gy radiation group, there were significantly higher lesion scores at 3 and 7 days after irradiation as comparing with those in the group of radiation-sucralfate combination (p=0.04, p=0.03). These results suggest that sucralfate might be played as a role of protection from acute radiation-induced esophagitis within the limit of tolerable radiation doses.
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